Other Resources for Immigrants
This page contains information about various organizations and resources available to immigrants both in Kansas City and across the country.
Esta página contiene información sobre varias organizaciones y recursos disponibles para inmigrantes.
Samuel U Rodgers Health Center
Our mission is to provide high quality, compassionate, and affordable healthcare for all. Our health services encompass several areas of expertise and we also provide programs that are designed to help you get the care you need. We want healthy people in a healthy community. Without vision, we will not have an ideal for which to strive; nor will we be successful. We need to be advanced thinkers; proactive to needs and opportunities and receptive to new ideas when they help us successfully accomplish our mission.
Washburn University School of Law
Located in the capital city of Kansas, Washburn University School of Law is a public law school conveniently situated in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Washburn Law's impact extends far beyond the state's borders. Washburn University School of Law prepares outstanding lawyers and legally trained professionals to serve their local, national, and global communities with excellence, integrity, and professionalism; and through its scholarship and service strives to contribute to the development of the law and a more just society.
KU School of Law
The University of Kansas School of Law offers legal services to the public through several clinics and yearly programs. Fostering a welcoming environment for all members of the KU Law community is essential to achieving the law school’s educational mission. Through prelaw and recruiting programs, career development and training opportunities, KU Law is dedicated to increasing access, support and representation within the law school and the legal profession.
UMKC School of Law
As a student-centered, community-connected, justice-driven law school, UMKC School of Law embraces diversity as central to its mission of educating practice-ready lawyers and as a driver of excellence in teaching and learning. UMKC recognizes and values a broad spectrum of diversities, including race, ethnicity, culture, nationality, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, linguistic ability, learning style, religion, socioeconomic and veteran status, life experiences, educational level and family structure. The UMKC Law Diverse Student Coalition advocates for the interests of the law school’s diverse student organizations, including the Black Law Students Association, the Latino Law Students Association, the Asian Pacific Islander Law Students Association, and the OutLaws (the LGBTQ+ students association). With the help of the Diverse Alumni Network, the Diverse Student Coalition hosts the Diversity Banquet every year to celebrate diversity in the legal community, honor the Diverse Student Coalition Scholarship recipient(s), and raise funds for the scholarship. The Diverse Student Coalition Endowed Scholarship is awarded each year to one or more diverse incoming law students. The goal is to maintain a meaningful and sustainable scholarship that can significantly alleviate the financial burden of attending law school.
Cross Border Network
The Cross Border Network for Justice & Solidarity educates about the imperialist policies of the U.S. and their effect on countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. We challenge Americans to recognize that corporate-driven globalization and militarism are major forces driving migration. We organize for human rights and economic justice by connecting working people and their families in solidarity across borders. We support workers across borders and who cross borders!
Village Presbyterian Church
Village Presbyterian Church is a family of faith actively shaped by the life of Christ to love one another, provide leadership for the transformation of our communities, and serve the world. For more than 75 years, Village Church has been guided by a passion and faith that extends far beyond church walls. It is Village Church's purpose to reflect that image of Christ's love to all we encounter, now and in the future. In May of 2023, Village became a Matthew 25 church. In doing so, Village Church pledged to embrace the three goals of the Matthew 25 initiative: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.
Eye of an Immigrant
Established in 2020 as a storytelling campaign by Komalpreet Kaur during her junior year of high school, Eye of an Immigrant originally aimed to share immigrant stories in Kansas City. Evolving into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, our mission expanded to support families throughout their entire immigration legal process. Through compelling podcasts and blogs, we strive to elevate immigrant voices, while also actively addressing the financial barriers by funding USCIS filing fees, ensuring a legal pathway to citizenship. At the heart of our vision is the commitment to creating a welcoming community where immigrants feel empowered and embraced.
Penn Valley Community College
The MCC Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was established on April 1, 1976, by Metropolitan Community College. We are designated to receive and manage gifts on behalf of MCC’s five campuses. The Foundation actively seeks contributions from a variety of public and private sources including individuals, corporations, organizations and other foundations. MCC Foundation scholarship and program funds benefit students and campuses throughout the MCC district. MCC Foundation funds are kept and managed separately from the College. The Foundation acts as a trustee for donations to assure that gifts are distributed in the manner specified by the donor
Avenue of Life
We believe that we’re more effective in engaging and impacting our communities when we do it together. We use an approach to community development called “Collective impact." Our mission is to mobilize our community to equip and empower low-income individuals and families to be self-sustained and independent.

Neighborhood Justice Center
Neighborhood Justice Center is a legal clinic based in Kansas City dedicated to providing free legal services through volunteer attorneys to individuals who cannot afford representation. Approved by the Missouri Bar Association for its Pro Bono Legal Program, we operate as an independent Not-For-Profit Corporation registered with the Missouri Secretary of State. We draw most of our clients from the food pantries or offices at St. Francis Xavier and St. Therese Little Flower Parish but also receive referrals from esteemed community partners like the Don Bosco Center.
Della Lamb
Della Lamb Community Services has played an important role in the development of Kansas City. During its 120+ years in an ever-changing world, Della Lamb has developed a network of services which move children and families out of poverty and toward an improved quality of life and, ultimately, to self-sufficiency. DLCS serves the needs of more than 1,500 low-income or vulnerable families in northeast Kansas City, Missouri and the urban core. This includes rent and utility assistance, food, and other emergency services. These are among the most vital and the most basics human needs.
KC for Refugees
KC for Refugees welcomes and supports those who have fled their home countries and settle here in the greater Kansas City area. The organization unites individuals, groups and institutions whose goal is to welcome refugees and assist them to become new Americans. Their primary goal is to walk with refugees so they become independent, secure and self-sufficient as quickly as possible.